Monday, July 16, 2007

Transforming dreams into reality! The magic formula

"The only thing that stops you from getting what you want is the story
you tell yourself about why you can't have it." Tony Robbins

I got this quotes from an email earlier today, and wow it is so true. For a while now I have told myself the story of why I can't do this or that, but since this spring I have been pushing past that. I attended this incredible workshop called Inner Boundaries led by Joan Casey. It was life transforming and is one of the catalysts that has moved me to pursue my passion and dreams.

So to manifest one of my dreams, I am in the process of getting a website made with this fabulous web design company Bludomain. They specialize in web templates and amazing styles. I am so excited to get one.

The Buddha said “When you come upon a life path that brings benefit
and happiness to all, follow this course as the moon journeys through
the stars” c563 c483 BC (India)

So celebrate with me as we overcome the hurdles in our lives and turn them into the stuff that stars and dreams are made of.

I just had to include this picture of my daughter who has turned the entire backyard into a horse jumping course. We have an entire stable of "real" horses of the stick and cardboard breeds.

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