Sunday, March 30, 2008

Entrepreneur of the Month

Wow! I am featured as Entrepreneur of the month of April with a non-profit organization called Enterprise for Equity. I took their business planning classes and learned so much about the nuts and bolts of business. You can see the article about me and Dinea de Photo here

This leads me to write about Business planning and the workings of a plan. It is a crucial plan to plan. Failure to plan is a plan to fail" and so... I totally recommend writing a business plan whether you are in a small business or working or planning one. In my non-profit work as a fundraiser and in organizational development I learned mostly what can make or break any non-profit or business is poorly laid plans and not putting a 1 year, 2 year, 3 year, 5 year planning into a living and breathing document called a business plan. I have been learning lately how to make it truly a working document not something that sits on the shelf collecting dust bunnies. Learn to love planning and you can move mountains and rocks.
A business plan is one of those BIG rocks that we love to ignore, but once we get one in place we can fill in the empty spaces with the other things integral to our lives and businesses.

Anyhow check out the article and look at their business planning offerings because they ROCK!

1 comment:

Airika Pope said...

Hi Dinea! This is great--congratulations! Would you ever be interested n talking at the PUG about business planning? I think it would be great!